Pathogen services
Respiratory and Gastrointestinal Pathogens: Deadly and Difficult to Quickly Treat
Flu-related deaths have been as high as 49,000 per season 90% of deaths occurred among adults over the age of 65. Quick detection and treatment is essential in nursing-home and long term care environments.
People at High Risk
• Age 65+
• Asthma, COPD
• Diabetes
• Heart disease
• Renal, hematologic, neurological diseases
• Immunosuppression
• Morbid obesity
RESPIRATORY PANEL The Respiratory panel tests for a comprehensive set of 20 upper respiratory, viral and bacterial pathogens, many of which present with nearly indistinguishable symptoms. The rapid and accurate identification of the causative agent assists the healthcare provider in selecting the most efficacious treatment for an upper respiratory tract infection.
GI PANEL The Gastrointestinal (GI) Panel tests for a comprehensive set of 22 gastrointestinal pathogens. This is achieved by a simple stool swab for common pathogens associated with gastroenteritis. Quickly identifying the correct pathogen can ensure appropriate treatment, patient management and help decrease infectious gastroenteritis which can lead to severe illness or death.
The Problem of Antibiotic Resistance
Overall, 25% to 50% of antibiotic use may be inappropriate.
Antibiotics are prescribed in over 100 million ambulatory visits annually.
Respiratory conditions are the most common (41%) indication for antibiotic prescription.
Diagnostic uncertainty is the major driver of antimicrobial overuse and misuse.
Solving the Problem
Widespread use of precise respiratory virus detection has improved diagnostic accuracy.
Diagnostic testing has been linked to a more focused use of antimicrobials.
Testing may also help determine if viral infection is associated with bacterial coinfections.
Get right to the source of infections with our comprehensive infection management program, utilizing rapid molecular diagnostic testing to quickly identify over 90% of the pathogens that cause two of the most common and life-threatening infections in long term care; respiratory and gastrointestinal infections.
Results produced within 48 hours give clinicians the ability to accurately determine treatment paths based on the specific infectious agent rather than based only on clinical symptoms.